Monday, 4 May 2009

Be The Person You Want to Attract

Hi...I'm "awake"...are you ?

Spiritual awakening is rather like being allowed to create your own spaceship and fly wherever you want to be. Yes a tough road once you turn on yourself and take a good look. What do YOU see ? I saw myself generally as a good person a good few years ago, kind, loving, generous of heart, great friends and family but I had a few challenges...none more troublesome than trying to find the right man ! I had been given a great challenge from birth and little did I know at that time, that it would bring be the greatest pleasure but the most intense pain. Its been a long and at times, arduous road but last year a light bulb moment...I get it ! It is all about me. The education process has been quick and miraculous but its taken 25 years of dating and falling to know this......

The steps to successful attraction :

1) Self awareness - do you REALLY know what you give off to your partner ?
2) Truth - Yes its about inner truth, look in the mirror and admit who you are at this moment
3) Forgiveness - The power of your intention to forgive is like making peace with yourself and releasing you and others from emotional chains from the past - essential in moving forward.
4) Acceptance - Make peace and say yeah " I am who I am and that's OK!"
5) Growth / Release - start clearing out those mental, emotional, spiritual closets and see how the power of personal change will de-clutter your life from all the people and things that don't serve you.
6) Becoming You - this will be the result, a happier healthier you in a deep sense of peace and love
7) Attract - Which partner do you want in your life ? Whatever you want, BE it first. You want trust, be trust worthy. You want honesty, be honest. Its attracts like, it's one of the Laws of the Universe

I guarantee these steps work.
Let me know what you think !